Home to Enhance African Life

“Called to self-emptying service.”

Our Vision

“To form young Africans in the principals of Servant Leadership for the peace and prosperity of African Society.”

Our Mission

“Forming Servant Leaders through poverty relief, education, and entrepreneurship in the Self-Emptying Spirit of Christ.”
(Phil. 2:6-11)

Our Mission

“Forming Servant Leaders through poverty relief, education, and entrepreneurship in the Self-Emptying Spirit of Christ.”

Following in the spirit of Jesus Christ, leaders must be servants. “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” (Matt. 20:26). Home to Enhance African Life (HEAL) thus provides real material help, and educational services with an emphasis on teaching youth how to lead their own businesses.

Our Motto

“Called to self-emptying service”

As Christians, we are to reflect Christ’s giving up of his heavenly glory for a while to take on human flesh and become a servant of all. St. Paul tell us about Our Lord, “though he was in the form of God … emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” (Phil. 2:6-7)

As we empty ourselves of our own pride and self-aggrandizement, we become more fitting servants of those in need.

Our Vision

 “To form young Africans in the principals of Servant Leadership for the peace and prosperity of African Society.”

Our dream is to educate the youth of Africa in our mission school, in the spirit of Christ’s servant style of leadership. This is what will bring peace and prosperity to the growing populations of Africa. This is an essential approach to solving today’s problems of African society.