HEAL has exciting news regarding our 1st Annual Benefit on Wednesday, October 29th! Our keynote speaker will be Jason Jones, co-author of the new book The Race to Save Our Century and producer of multiple life-affirming and award-winning films such as Bella and Crescendo. Jason’s organization, Movie To Movement, donated $6,000,000 to pregnancy care centers from the proceeds of screening Crescendo around the country!

Jason has become a friend of HEAL who understands the importance of our work with oppressed widows and orphans in the Niger Delta. He has traveled to the Sudan to bring aid to Christians suffering from genocidal attacks by the Janjaweed militia in Darfur. He understands the situation in Nigeria is similar with the Boko Haram militants terrorizing Christians, who often come to HEAL as refugees.
Our work with widows and orphans also relates to the theme of Jason’s new book, The Race to Save Our Century. His book expresses the need to apply Catholic social principles in our time and he will speak about how HEAL exemplifies those principles! At a time when “social justice” is often misunderstood and misapplied, Jason will explain how HEAL truly serves the dignity of the human person.
But, that’s not all! On October 29th we will also feature the beautiful music of composer Michael Shimkus. He will delight our ears with his brilliant music and he will share with us why he is such a strong supporter of HEAL. Leo and I will be working hard over the next 6 weeks to make the HEAL mission and our goals known to as many people as possible.
Please pray for our success and we hope to see you on the 29th.