At the BOMCA graduation ceremony last July, the program included students creatively showcasing what they had learned to their parents and other stakeholders, like myself, in attendance. A young primary school student named Rosemary stole the show with her “names for God” routine.
This 9-year old girl took the microphone and shouted “Praise Jesus!” as she paced back and forth on the grass waving her hand to the onlookers sitting under a tent on a hot day. She proceeded to pronounce the names of “God” in about 100 different languages without skipping a beat! As she finished her routine, I stood up and applauded Rosemary admiring her and her teachers who helped her achieve this feat.
On August 26th, BOMCA hosted an open house for parents and prospective students. Knowing BOMCA from many experiences with teachers and students, I knew the parents would be impressed. “We recorded 16 children accompanied by their parents,” said BOMCA’s Dean of Students, Ikechi Gift, of the open house. Like all parents, these visitors want their children to learn, grow, and thrive just like Rosemary.
BOMCA was constructed and opened in 2016, via the joint partnership of HEAL and Water For Life, as a rural missionary school serving poor village children. As the visitors were led from room to room by teachers and MOJ Sisters, they noticed something unexpected. “Many parents were surprised to see a rural village school with facilities such as a computer lab, studio, hostel, and chapel,” said Gift.
What makes BOMCA different is the Self-Emptying spirituality (Phil 2:6-11) permeating all facets of student life. “Parents expressed gratitude for our mission of developing poor and marginalized rural village children,” said Rev. Leo Okonkwo, HEAL Founder. By emptying themselves like Jesus Christ, the MOJ Sisters and teachers bring out the very best in every BOMCA student.
As a young 8th grader, I remember attending a summer camp at the University of Notre Dame. While not an open house, it served a similar purpose as I wandered about the legendary campus in awestruck wonder, dreaming of what my future might be. In the same vein, I know BOMCA’s open house sparked the dreams and hopes of our visiting parents and their children.
For those children who choose BOMCA, HEAL will need your support so they will have the same chance as Rosemary to become their very best!