“Sister, how is Blessing recovering from surgery?”, I asked nervously.
“Blessing is doing well! We’ve been visiting her and celebrating the great work done by the doctors and HEAL!”, replied Sr. Racheal Ulor, MOJ.
In case you’re wondering, Blessing is a student who has suffered from Polio induced clubbed foot for most of her young life. After preparation last week, she finally underwent Triple Arthrodesis corrective surgery this weekend.
And, something inexplicable happened during the surgery. Although totally numbed under general anesthesia, Blessing did not fall asleep!
“She was conscious and sang beautifully as we worked on her foot”, assistant surgeon Dr. Jane Frances Okonkwo said in amazement! Is God telling us something through this wonder? I think so.
Before I had a kidney stone removed last year, singing was the furthest thing from my mind! It was more like dread! For a 15-year old girl to SING through invasive surgery tells me that God is using her for His glory!

As Sr. Rachel said above, the MOJ Sisters and the Masters have been visiting Blessing at the hospital as she recovers. Deacon Leo even spoke with her via phone to congratulate her and applaud her courage!
We will be sharing Blessing’s celebration with you and all HEAL patrons who made this possible in our next HEAL Live Show on Monday!
Blessing’s dream of a new life of walking without pain is now within reach. She will be in a cast and on crutches for some time, but the day is coming soon when she will test her newly restored left foot.
Let us pray that on the day Blessing attempts to walk on her own she finds her foot is strong and her mobility better than she could imagine!! In this way, she will “take a big step” toward becoming a Servant Leader!