HEAL provides quality education for poor rural village children to form them into future Servant Leaders, as Jesus calls all His disciples to be (cf. Mt. 20:26). With our 2023 graduating class of 42 senior secondary students who are now preparing for university, we are making tangible progress.

Teachers helping students learn via proven methods.

But, continued progress in our mission faces strong headwinds. Back in June, our 42 graduates all took national external exams as required by the Federal Ministry of Education to advance to the next grade level.  But, each school must pay a $15,000 registration fee for students to take the exams.

In a nation where 20 million children aged 6-18 are out of school1 and 94% of these are in poverty2, how can a purported education agency charge such high exam fees?

Rev. Leo Okonkwo says, “Our government justifies high registration fees for external exams as revenue to fund various public services but this also imposes a heavy burden on missionary schools like ours which provide free education for poor children and can ill afford to pay such fees.”

Unlike the Ministry of Education, HEAL has always worked to remove obstacles to education.  In 2018, with your help, we built an exam hall which made our school a certified exam center and gave our students and students from neighboring schools a convenient venue to take external exams.

Whether public agencies help or hinder, HEAL remains determined to provide the best Christ-centered formal education for less fortunate children.  By employing unique learning methods, our teachers helped our students score very well on their recent exams.

Complimenting one of our new graduates, BOMCA Principal, Maria Ndulor says, “Ibe Saraphina embodied the self-emptying service of Christ by volunteering as a guardian angel in the hostel and as choir coordinator in chapel all while graduating at the top of her senior secondary class.”


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While corruption or bad policies can threaten the development of students like Ibe Saraphina, HEAL’s relentless dedication to their intellectual and spiritual growth will turn the tide in their favor. 

But we cannot do it alone! Your generous assistance will put the wind in our sails to move forward in spite of the headwinds of apathy and corruption.  Please make your best one-time or monthly gift today!

May God bless and keep you!

1 UN-OCHA, “Humanitarian Needs Overview: Nigeria”, February 2023; Pg. 17
2 National Bureau of Statistics, “Nigeria Multidimensional Poverty Index (2022)”, Pg. 37