I just got off the phone with Leo a few minutes ago as of this writing. He informed me of an urgent prayer intention touching directly on his mission and ministry to poor and marginalized orphans and widows. It is not something I can reveal to you in detail now but, if everything goes as planned, we will be reporting the outcome to you very soon. So, please include Leo in your prayers at Church and in your private devotions!
Since my involvement in HEAL, I’ve seen prayer work on behalf of our mission and of you, our supporters. Leo and the Messengers of Justice have added some of your expressed intentions to their daily prayers as a community. Some of you, who had health issues, asked for Leo’s prayers while he was here in Chicago. And, of course, Leo obliged (along with me), visiting your homes and praying for you in person.
And we have benefited by your prayers as well. We consider everyone who supports HEAL a “co-missionary,” who believes in the power of the Holy Spirit to uplift the poor and marginalized orphans and widows. We believe everything, from building the kindergarten school, to furnishing our chapel, to acquiring a minibus, was just as dependent on prayer answered as your financial help!
So, in this letter, I ask not for any financial assistance, but only for prayers so that we can clear a very important hurdle for the benefit of our mission!