I recently participated in a retreat for the clergy of the Diocese of Bafang, Cameroon, for which I am an ordained Deacon. It was led by our faithful Bishop, Abraham Kome, who expressed the Church’s need for new pastors who will reach the people of God through the “heart to heart” sharing of “God-things.” In my reflections, I realized that I can only be a “wounded sharer”, beset by weaknesses and capable of backsliding in my discipleship.
But, in my reflections and meditations, I took comfort in God’s word. By my Baptism and recent Ordination, I participate in the ministry of Christ Jesus, the Suffering Servant of Yahweh (Is. 52: 13-15; 53:1-12). Despite my own weakness and inadequacies, God’s light can shine through to His people, after the example of His Suffering Servant, the “man of sorrows”. God will not leave me to my own vices in carrying out His ministry because whom He calls, He also justifies (Rom 8:28-30).
I came out of the retreat knowing that the challenge of Jesus’ ministry involves spiritual battle against principalities and powers in high places (Eph. 6:12). Indeed, challenges and sufferings have accompanied my mission, as Vice President of HEAL and Founder of the Messengers of Justice (MOJ), in serving poor and marginalized orphans, widows, and rural villagers. But, as Pope Francis has reminded us, “…there is an inseparable bond between our faith and the poor” (Evangelii Gaudium, 48).
We can’t do this work or continue in this mission without your prayerful and financial support. Support us in our current services and projects in forming the African child in the principles of servant leadership!

Rev. Leo Okonkwo
HEAL Vice President