“This is why I don’t think you should go!”, my mom said to me in 2014 before my first mission trip to Nigeria. She handed me an article in the Chicago Tribune about a Boko Haram terrorist attack that claimed many victims in northern Nigeria. I reassured mom that the southern region I was visiting was relatively safe and, besides, the US Embassy said travel to Nigeria was safe for tourists.

Fr. Matthew O’Donnell elevates the Eucharist at the Sunrise Mass for Peace.

I journeyed to and from Nigeria safely in 2014 and in each of my three subsequent trips, this past July being the most recent. Ironically, for many people right here in Chicago, living or traveling in south and west side neighborhoods isn’t so safe. Deacon Leo and I speak about the gang violence in Chicago quite often and even brainstorm about how HEAL might be of help in some way.

We decided to show  support for the victims of gang shootings in Chicago by attending  at the Sunrise Mass for Peace on August 25th, organized by the Black Deacons of Chicago. Our new friend Deacon Wallace, who we had met at St. Dorothy, arranged for Deacon Leo to process in and out with the Chicago Deacons.

The homilist for the Mass was Fr. David Kelly, a Chicago priest renowned for his ministry to inmates. He said something that I can relate to regarding whether the problems we face are too big for the solutions we propose. Fr. Kelly said the first thing we must do, whatever our mission may be, is to show up and be present like Jesus, He who pitched His tent and dwelt among us (cf. Jn 1:14).

In my life as a HEAL missionary, being personally present has had a great impact not only on the people I serve but even more so on me. It might require going someplace unknown or even dangerous, but God will be with you.