Only a week ago we asked you to help provide funds for foot surgery for a 15-year-old girl named Blessing.

Well, your response has been generous. Within a few days, HEAL members donated the $8,000 needed! Now Blessing can look forward toward walking normally after healing from her Post-Polio Clubbed Foot.

The procedure is called triple arthrodesis, and the operation will relieve the pain, improve the stability, and correct the deformity of the foot.

We told Blessing about the generous friends here in the U.S. that made this possible. She is eager to thank you for the help she and others in the community have received as a result of your kind hearts.

I’m sure she feels like “walking and leaping and praising God” as did the handicapped man in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 3:8) whose foot and ankle were healed by St. Peter.

We hope that after this operation she will no longer limp along as she plays with others and takes her place at her desk in school. That her deformed foot will have a more normal appearance as she moves forward into her life of young womanhood.

Thank you so much once again!