This Christmas season, Christians prepare for the 2nd Coming of Christ by reflecting back upon His first coming at His birth.
This 2021 academic year in Nigeria, after 6 months of school closings due to the C-19 pandemic, HEAL prepares the Masters for their educational future.
In addition to their termnial subject exams, Senior Secondary (SS) students must take and pass the West African Education Council (WAEC) national exam to be eligible for admission to universities in Nigeria.

In a recent victory for the Masters, BOMCA Academy received WAEC certification from the Ministry of Education (MOE). “Being WAEC certified means the Masters can now take the WAEC exam at their own school rather than traveling far away to a certified school”, explains Rev. Leo Okonkwo.
WAEC certification is granted when the MOE inspects and positively evaluates a school’s overall competence in training students.
“The feedback we received was mostly positive”, said BOMCA principal Maria Ndulor about the MOE’s favorable review of BOMCA’s administrative and educational proficiency and methods.
“They also praised our Self-Emptying mission of bringing quality education to poor and marginalized rural villagers”, she added.
While the Masters now have the advantage of attending a WAEC certified school, one uncompleted task still poses a big obstacle in their path.
In late 2017, HEAL began construction of an Exam Hall as the required first step for obtaining WAEC certification. While satisfied that the main structure has been built, the MOE is strongly urging HEAL to finish it.
The ceiling and roof must be tiled and insulated to control interior building temperature and prevent insects from entering through small openings. Otherwise, the Masters will not have an environment suitable for taking exams.
Please help us with your BEST one-time gift for this special project!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!